Brook is working on some updates as we speak to optimize the functionality and ease for usage. We will post updates here as well as on our social media channels when they become available
08.29.24: (Dreamcast users for those who do not have 4P or 4K buttons) - This update will use 1K+ 3P for force into DC mode - The link to the file is broken. Please email us for the file directly.
RGB Pushbutton Guide Update 08.30.24: See new image attached (overrides instruction in manual)
Our History with Brook
In 2015, Brook took the market by surprise with their Super Converters, which allowed controllers to work on various systems. In a few short months, Brook developed a game changing PCB, the Universal Fighting Board, which we along with a few other companies unveiled to the market. This board was the first to break ground for PS4 compatibility without the 8-minute time out issue. A major break through at the time as this opened up the custom modding market without having to pad hack a PS4 controller. Additionally, the UFB was truly Universal by adding compatibility for all the major systems at the time.
All About the Future
Their Super Converters and Universal Fighting Board selling through as fast as new vendors were opening up requesting them. At ARCADESHOCK, our mission is to always look ahead. We've been in love with technology before we were a company. Attending every CES for 16 straight years, working in the high end audio industry, we were always fascinated with products that produced high quality performance. In 2016, we met with Brook and suggested a product category that was missing. Brook in general was always about developing products for the latest technology and rightfully so. As a hard core fan of classic gaming and a owner of SNK's NEO•GEO system, we've always itched for a better arcade stick. While the NEO•GEO AES joystick was decent, we wanted better. With this, we asked Brook to make a Super Converter that allowed PS3/4/PC arcade sticks to be played on the NEO•GEO AES or MVS (Consolized System). Brook was skeptical as they were genuinely uncertain about the Retro Market. In short, we funded the whole project (1000 units) to be made so Brook would not take any risk.
In the same meeting, we mentioned, if this launch is successful, we would like to see Super Converters for PSOne/2, Dreamcast, Saturn, Mega Drive, NES and SNES. Basically, we mentioned all the systems we believed would be in demand.
Birth of Brook’s Retro Board (AS Exclusive)
Shortly after the development of the NEO•GEO Super Converter, we asked Brook to develop a PCB that DIY control builders could use on their classic consoles. Akicus's PS360+ PCB was the main retro board of choice during this period. As we were a dealer for them, Per (the owner) stopped developing firmware updates for some of the classic systems as this required a lot of time, so many of the classic systems that were planned for this board was complete. Leaving a void for this market and our personal passion for retro gaming, we asked Brook to develop this board for us, which to this day is the favored PCB for retro gaming.
Dual Stack / Mod Combination
What if I want both modern and retro systems all in one? During the development of the Retro Board, the idea was brought up (with Brook and our partner at the time) to allow both boards to be modded in a single unit by either stacking or combining them with a 20-pin multiplier kit. A physical switch or input commands allowed toggling between either the UFB or Retro Board. This set up provided gamers the flexibility of using a single controller on the widest variety of modern and classic gaming systems.
Modern + Retro Consoles = Ultimate + Retro Board
When the Brook Universal Fighting Board was released everyone in the FGC industry knew it wasn't just any release. It was ground breaking technology. This opened up the custom controller market and still has, to this day. For many years, we discussed with Brook to combine our dual stack into a single board, but due to limited parts and cost, this was not achievable at the time. Fast forward to present, we worked with Brook to create a board that covers most systems and users needs. If there is a one and done PCB, we believe this is as close as we can get to it.
Cost, Form Factor, Toggling Between Boards
Overall, the vision we had was to make this available to as many users as possible. With our previous dual stack setup, it was difficult to lower the cost as it required two separate boards, one of them being custom and additional parts to make them work together. With this, the setup to include all of these systems would have hovered over $200. As a consumer ourselves, we can see how this isn't appealing to most.
Secondly, some users could were not able to fit a stacked board in their setup. With a single board that is an industry standard, installation could not be any easier.
Dual stacking modern and retro boards required toggling between the two, via button inputs or adding a physical switch. With the Ultimate + Retro design, everything is housed in one clean package.
Features and System Compatibility
NOTE: To utilize the functionality for both Modern / Retro you will need to have an RJ45 connector. For the Mega Drive and NEO-GEO, there will be an optional kit required at a later date.
Modern System Compatibility: PS5 (Fighting Games), PS4, PS3, Xbox Series X/S, XBOXOne, Xbox 360, PC, Switch
Retro System Compatibility: PS, PS2, Xbox (OG), Dreamcast, Saturn, Game Cube, N64, NES, SNES, PC-Engine
New Retro System Compatibility (Requires Additional Accessories for Plug-In Compatibility): Mega Drive (Genesis), NEO•GEO
New Features OLED Display Module Compatibility (Optional Accessory - Available for purchase end of August) - Provides feedback on button inputs, customized images, VMU feedback and more (with firmware updates), Player LED, Support for Qanba KS RGB pushbuttons (no additional board required to use RGB buttons)
Use Existing Industry Standard Cables If you already have one of Brook's previous fighting boards with the same form factor, you can use your existing cables for a drop in replacement. Note: For the Retro portion, you will need to add a RJ45 connector and get compatible system cables
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