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HIGH GRADE Aluminum Replacement Panel [HORI Fighting Stick Alpha - Extended Vewlix Layout KIT]

This kit consists of two panels.  One top brushed aluminum panel and one bottom support panel, which contains the joystick mount and well as support for the pushbuttons


Other metal panels on the market use steel or iron and is then powder coated with the paint color of choice.  This method works if it's made for it's own case design, but is not the best method if you're going to use this panel for other cases

Our definition on what makes our panels HIGH GRADE focus on these three categories:   Aesthetics.  Perfect Fit.  Customization.


When we set out to make our High Grade replacement panels, we didn't just want it to serve the minimum requirement, which is to change the button layout.  We wanted to create a WOW! factor in terms of the way it looks when it's fully assembled.  To us, a premium panel meant it had to add something to the look and also feel.  What we concluded was a panel that was anodized for color and brushed on the surface for a premium look and feel.   Other metal panels out on the market use the powder coated metal simply because it's cheaper to do as well as easier to do, but the end result is a panel that we feel only serves as a button layout replacement, not one that turns heads

A Perfect Fit

Using aluminum, we're able to cut the sheet to the exact dimension of the panel it replaces.  What this means is the length, width and most importantly, height is perfect and fills in all the gaps.  The result?  A panel mod that looks like it came straight from the factory and not one that looks like an after market product


You can add more of the wow factor by personalizing your panel with custom artwork or logo with our engraving services.  With an anodized aluminum panel (coloring the panel by an electric charge) you're able to create artwork or text that is razor sharp because the whole panel is the color you see on the top, including the layers below it.  What this does is when you laser engrave a anodized panel, you're not chipping off paint (as you would with a powder coated steel panel), but actually "painting" the image with a fine pointed laser

Brushed Aluminum vs Steel Panels

While some say the quality of steel is better than aluminum, we don't argue that one bit when it comes to strength

We agree with this point so much that we use a steel panel as the bottom support panel (for applicable models) for strength, where it's needed and a brushed aluminum panel for the top, where it shines, for presentation.   Read more below to see why our choice in how a metal panel separates us from the rest

Dual Layer

Where applicable, we will use two layers of panels (a bottom and a top) as mentioned above to preserve the stock dimensions.  This is important if you want to keep the original height of the joystick as well as provide more support for the buttons and joystick (less vibration).  Up to this point, the steel panels consist of only one layer, which would include the joystick mount, leaving some dimples behind for where the joystick plate is mounted

Extended Vewlix Button Layout

Based off of the original Vewlix button layout, the revised extended layout which was initially suggested by us for Hori's RAP series arcade sticks in their "Kai" models provides more spacing between the joystick and the pushbuttons

Installation is easy:  The Hori Fighting Stick Alpha PS5 or Xbox X variants were both created with easy modding in mind.   With the pop open clamshell design, simply remove 6 screws from underneath the lid (there are arrows that point to them for ease of identification).  You will then unmount the joystick and remove the buttons.  At the top of the control panel, there is a indentation where you can place your nail below to remove the clear plexi.    Remove this piece and the bottom support panel below it (a few more screws) and replace with the new bottom support and top Extended Vewlix panel

Engrave your Panel

Add a personal touch and uniqueness to your aluminum panel with our laser engraving services.  Please read the instructions carefully to ensure the quality of your image is ready to be engraved.  If it does not meet our specifications, this will delay your order

Instructions on How to Prep your Files

Please read the instructions above carefully.  As a reminder, you need to submit at least 2 files.  One will be the .svg file of your artwork / logo.  The other file is the template that shows where you would like to engrave it on the panel

Quick Link:

Hori Fightstick Alpha - Extended Vewlix

$ 69.95 USD