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Seimitsu unveiled it's new LS-38-01-SC joystick at JAEPO 2015 in February, but they literally only had 1 unit, which was their prototype displayed at the show.  We tested out this stick on the spot and was thoroughly impressed with it's feel and resistance. 

Using the LS-32 pcb, they tightened up the springs to increase the resistance over all of their current fight sticks.  Like any other joystick, the feel is a personal preference and while Sanwa Denshi's JLF will suit some, the LS-38-01-SC will suit others.

We're currently using this joystick in one of our QanBa Q2's and found this to be spot on for accuracy and response.  This stick is up there now as one of our favorite sticks. 

What's the difference between the LS-38-01 and our version here, the SC?  The "SC" adds the shaft cover as well as the dust cover to leave a cleaner look.  You can only find this version at  When in negotiations with Seimitsu, they let us choose which version suits us best for overall presentation and purpose, which we naturally chose the SC version.  All other variations of the LS-38 on the market do not have the shaft cover as an option. 

The LS-38-01-SC is an Arcadeshock Exclusive

What's Included

  • Seimitsu Base Mounting Plate (choose from 2 versions, SE - flat or SS - curved)
  • Shaft and Dust Cover (as shown)
  • Note:  Balltop is NOT included

Choose your Type

  • LS-38-01-SC-SS (w/ SS Plate and Shaft / Dust Cover)
  • LS-38-01-SC-SE (w/ SE Plate and Shaft / Dust Cover)
  • LS-38-01-SS (w/ SS Plate with Dust Cover, no Shaft Cover)
  • LS-38-01-SE (w / SE Plate with Dust Cover, no Shaft Cover)

Translation of Spec Sheet from Seimitsu:

  • 線径 line diameter
  • 内径 inner diameter
  • 自由長 free length of spring
  • 巻数 total coils

Short Link:

$ 34.95

$ 31.95