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BROOK PS5/4/3 Xbox 360/One Nintendo Switch to NES/SNES Super Converter [WINGMAN SNES]

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Brook finally unveils possibly it's last Super Converter in their Retro Series, the PS4/3 to NES/SNES

Between the Nintendo Entertainment System and the Nintendo Super Entertainment System, these two consoles represent quite possibly the most memorable and epic library of games in history.   Like many retro consoles, the lack of good controllers or joysticks limited the user to the optimal experience for certain games, particularly ones that required more complex motions and accuracy

Plethora of Choices for Handheld and Arcade Controllers

With a plethora of options for Xbox 360/One, Sony PS5, PS4 and PS3, Nintendo Switch control pads and arcade controllers, revisit the classic retro games from the NES and SNES consoles to a different experience level

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$ 44.95

$ 29.95