SEIMITSU LS-58-01-CX-OO Custom Select
Here you will be able to customize the color of the balltop and mounting plate.
Going from left to right you have the following plate sizes:
VF - MS - SS - SE
The configurations we have here will allow you to choose from either the SS or SE plates.
Here are the variations of mounting plate types and color balltop / shaft / dust covers to choose from:
LS-58-01-CS-SS (SS Plate w/Clear Smoke Parts)
LS-58-01-CC-SS (SS Plate w/Clear White Parts)
LS-58-01-CR-SS (SS Plate w/Clear Red Parts)
LS-58-01-CS-SE (SS Plate w/Clear Smoke Parts)
LS-58-01-CC-SE (SE Plate w/Clear White Parts)
LS-58-01-CR-SE (SE Plate w/Clear Red Parts)